Some teenagers love sports, some love video games, others just like to be lazy. But, all teenagers need to be physically active and develop their self confidence. More importantly, teens need to know self defense to prepare them for college.
Our Krav Maga program, like all other martial arts programs, help teens stay physically active and build self confidence. Through fun workouts and intense drills, our students have fun getting fit. Using drills to help practice our self defense techniques, students strengthen their balance and coordination. And because our program involves punching and kicking, teens get to workout any stress they may have.
Cincinnati Krav Maga’s training gives teens the skills they need to be able to protect themselves in their current school, and when they leave for college. Learning defenses against punches, chokes, hand and hair grabs tend to become more important to college students these days. And more importantly, female teens need to know how to stop a potential rape situation by doing more than just saying “NO!”
Our students will learn how to apply all defense and strikes to get attackers off of them. We teach them and then we practice them under pressure to ensure the students can react. Cincinnati Krav Maga helps all students to prepare for the worse case scenarios in life, with the hope our students will never have to use these skills.
6:00PM | NOON & 7:00PM | 6:00PM | NOON & 7:00PM | NOON |
7:00PM | NOON & 8:00PM | 7:00PM | NOON & 8:00PM | 1:00PM |